NEWS26 September 2022

MRS seeks contributions for 2023 annual conference

News UK

UK – The Market Research Society has issued a call for contributions for its next annual conference, under the theme of ‘Insight Alchemy’.

Jane Frost 2020 conference_crop

The conference, taking place in-person in London on 14th March 2023, will focus on exploring how we think about research and its uses.

It will cover topics including qualitative research in a data-driven world and strategic thinking in tactical times.

Contributions are welcomed from the insight sector, including agency and suppliers and client-side professionals, as well as practitioners from outside market research to share their business or sector expertise.

The theme of the conference builds on a report recently published by the MRS Delphi Group on the reinvention of the role of the insights professional.

The 2023 conference marks a return to face-to-face for the annual event, which took place virtually in 2021 and 2022 due to Covid-19.

Jane Frost, chief executive, MRS, said: “What we need is a supercharger event to give us inspiration, ideas and to provide an opportunity to learn something new: an event to reflect the very best and ensure we refresh our understanding of the sector and its stakeholders and make and renew our networks. By 5pm, we should feel a refreshed sense of purpose about meeting the challenges we wake up to every morning.”

Find out more and submit an idea for the 2023 annual conference via the MRS website.

Pictured: Frost speaking at Impact conference 2020.