NEWS9 September 2016

More time spent with TV than all other media platforms combined

Media News North America Trends

US — The time that American consumers spend with traditional TV is 16% greater than time spent will all other platforms combined, according to new research from GfK.

Watching TV_crop

The research, Media Comparisons 2016, was carried out in collaboration with TVB, the not-for-profit trade association for local broadcast television.

It found that adults aged 18+ spend four hours 54 minutes with TV compared with the next three highest categories: radio ( 62 minutes), e-mail ( 56 minutes) and social media ( 50 minutes). 

“While media proliferation continues, results from the Media Comparisons study again confirm television’s dominant position as a reliable, proven marketing solution that presents accountable, measurable advantages for brand managers, advertisers and political campaigns seeking to reach target audiences and influence decisions,” said Steve Lanzano, president and CEO of TVB.