NEWS22 May 2024

Michael Davis appointed NatCen CEO

News People UK

UK – The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) has appointed Kantar’s Michael Davis as its new chief executive, effective from late August 2024. He succeeds Guy Goodwin.

Michael Davis

Davis (pictured) is currently chief business performance officer at Kantar, where he has worked since 2017.

Prior to his time at Kantar, Davis has been UK managing director of research consultancy Ecorys and chief executive at the UK Commission for Employment and Skills, a non-departmental public body. 

The announcement comes after Guy Goodwin announced in September 2023 he would retire from his role at NatCen chief executive after eight years in post, and is due to depart at the end of this month.

Sir Stuart Etherington, chair of NatCen’s board of trustees, said: “We are delighted that Michael is joining the National Centre for Social Research. He brings both experience and enthusiasm to the role of CEO as the organisation moves into its next stage of development.

“And, as our current CEO, Guy Goodwin, hands over the reins, I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Guy and thank him for his contribution to NatCen’s growth over the last eight years.”

Davis added: “NatCen has an incredibly strong sense of purpose – a belief that social research has the power to make life better. I’m really looking forward to working with all of the NatCen team to help bring that purpose to its full potential.

“NatCen are investing in technology and new capabilities to expand the scale and reach of their expertise. This is a great time to be joining an organisation with an outstanding 50 year plus track record and still with even more to offer in the years ahead.”