NEWS6 June 2023

Media measurement firm rebrands to reflect its neuroscientific offering

Data analytics Innovations Media News Trends

PORTUGAL – A European media measurement firm which focuses on neuroscience has rebranded from Mindprober to Mediaprobe, saying the new name reflects its “next-generation” media measurement offering.


Headquartered in Porto, Mediaprobe has developed a media measurement platform which analyses an individual’s behavioural response to consuming media content.

“For the first time, media measurement goes beyond counting eyeballs to deliver metrics that enable understanding and activation based on the emotional effect of media on consumers,” it says.

It says that its Emotional Impact Score (EIS) provides insight for clients to “optimise content”, “improve impression quality and placement effectiveness”, and “maximise the value of broadcasts, sponsorship and advertisement”.

The EIS is worked out by capturing what the measurement firm terms is the consumer’s galvanic skin response (GSR) to content. Consumers showing larger GSRs are more engaged with the content, Mediaprobe said.

Mediaprobe, which says it works with the “bigger names in broadcasting, added: “Our new name is part of a rebranding to fully represent these forward-thinking breakthroughs in next-gen measurement across all media.”