NEWS6 December 2018

Kantar Media launches audience profile tool

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UK – Kantar Media has launched a consumer profiling tool for media planning based on its TGI survey data in 22 countries.

Target audience abstract image

The ‘TGI Global Quick View’ draws on data from a sample of 60,000 respondents, including online interest and attitude data, media preferences and online shopping habits.

Users of the tool – including brands, agencies and media owners – can cross-reference its global data with individual TGI national studies from the countries included.

The company is also updating its accompanying data visualisation tool, TGI Snapshot, to reflect the international dataset.

Andy Brown, chief executive and chairman at Kantar Media, said the tool offers “a holistic picture of online consumers, enabling agencies to plan global campaigns that resonate locally, while media owners benefit from a better understanding of their media properties across major markets.”