NEWS14 December 2023

Investigative journalist Raphael Rowe among keynote speakers for MRS annual conference

AI News People UK

UK – MRS has announced the programme for its next annual conference in March 2024, with investigative journalist and presenter Raphael Rowe and WPP chief AI officer Dr Daniel Hulme set to take to the stage as keynote speakers.

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The Applied Transformation conference, on 12th March, will address the transformative issues facing research agencies and in-house teams, and celebrate excellence in the sector.

Before beginning his career in journalism, Raphael Rowe (pictured) was wrongfully convicted and spent 12 years in prison.

Rowe’s journalism and documentaries for Panorama, the BBC and Netflix have uncovered miscarriages of justice. His Netflix programme Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons documents experiences in prisons in countries including Poland, Mexico and the Philippines.

At the conference, Rowe will be interviewed by MRS chair Sinead Jefferies, to share his story, discuss social injustices, and highlight the importance of qualitative research and storytelling.

In another keynote session, Dr Daniel Hulme, chief executive at Satalia and chief AI officer at WPP, will share his view on how AI will transform business, the workplace and humanity.

Hulme will also take part in a discussion exploring generative AI for research with fellow panellists Kelly Beaver, chief executive of Ipsos, Elaine Rodrigo, chief insights and analytics officer at Reckitt, and Jatin Aythora, director of research and development, BBC.

More information about the conference can be found on the MRS annual conference website.