NEWS1 August 2016

Intent Lab launches Digital Satisfaction Index

News North America UK

US – A Digital Satisfaction Index (DSI) to measure consumers’ attitudes and perceptions of online marketing has been created by Intent Lab, a research partnership between performance marketing agency Performics Worldwide and the Northwestern University.


To build DSI, Northwestern University Medill School and Performics conducted in-person consumer interviews and surveys with more than 3,000 participants in the US and UK in spring 2016. They identified the four key factors of consumer satisfaction as: trust, utility, social and privacy.

Michael Kahn (pictured), CEO of Performics Worldwide, said: “We built the Intent Lab because we firmly believe intent is the single-most important marketing variable, shaping the way we deliver results for our clients. The DSI is a new industry standard, illuminating insight into online user perceptions. This knowledge will arm brands with the ability to harness the power of marketing in a post-digital world.”

The US DSI score was 58.4 while the UK’s overall DSI score was 65.6, suggesting UK consumers were more satisfied with their digital experiences.