NEWS8 December 2015

IFF hires eight

People UK

UK — IFF Research has hired eight new staff members, including Chris O’Brien, who joins from Ipsos Mori as associate director.


The company has also welcomed Nicola Esterman, who joins as a senior research manager, Sabrina Basran, who joins as a research manager, and Josh Flatman and Dominic Thomson, who have both joined as graduate programme trainees.

In addition, Cheryl Sloper has joined the company’s Interviewing Services department as recruitment officer, while Peter Hall has returned to the company as a senior research manager and Jessica Huntly Hewitt has been promoted to research manager.

“IFF continues to attract the brightest industry talents and our nomination for the MRS ‘Best Place to Work’ award is a testament to work we have done to ensure all staff are happy and engaged in their roles,” said IFF director David Vivian. “There are to be some more important senior appointments early in the New Year. Watch this space!”