NEWS10 October 2022

Funding for research on UK workplaces

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UK – The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) has invested in several research projects to study changes in the workplace, including parental-related discrimination and the impact of changing labour markets.

woman working at desk

The seven studies include Middlesex University research exploring the transition to parenthood for employees working in small-to-medium businesses, in partnership with University of Leeds, the University of Manchester and the Fatherhood Institute.

Another project, led by the University of Sheffield in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, will examine differences in how younger workers progress within the labour market and within their careers.

Other research will investigate:

  • how to attract and retain lorry drivers
  • the career transitions of ethnic minority doctors
  • the experiences of UK retail warehouse workers
  • gendered inequalities in early forms of work
  • working lives in deindustrialised communities.

The ESRC has invested £3.9m in total to the projects. Each of the studies began at the start of October, lasting for three years. 

Professor Alison Park, interim executive chair, ESRC, said: “The world of work is changing rapidly. Understanding how and why it is changing, and how this affects workers’ lives, will help policymakers, businesses and employees to navigate key challenges, including how to help people to progress in their careers and how to enhance gender equality in the workplace.

“These seven new research projects will collaborate and coordinate with one another, enhancing the collective impact of ESRC’s investment.”