NEWS16 November 2010

Ex-Nunwood trio Boxclever with new consultancy venture

People UK

UK— Three former board directors of Nunwood have left the firm to establish a full-service insight consultancy, Boxclever.

Kathryn Boxall, Sam Gardner and Claire Boorman are looking to work with a broad spectrum of clients on high-end consultancy projects, with research support coming from a network of fieldwork partners.

Based in Leeds, the trio believe the tough economic environment provides plenty of opportunities for a new business.

Speaking to Research, Gardner said that the low overheads of a startup make it more agile in adapting to the cost constraints research buyers are wrestling with, while established agencies “have their eye off the ball” dealing with internal restructuring and cost-control issues.

The three founders were all previously strategy directors at Nunwood: Gardner with responsibility for analytics, Boxall for research and insight and Boorman for qual research and activation.

Boxclever is online here.