NEWS24 January 2017

Email marketing still popular despite falling click-through rates

News Trends UK

UK – The vast majority ( 84%) of marketers use email marketing according to the latest email bench-marking report from the Direct Marketing Association (DMA) which claims it is in ‘robust health’ despite falling click-through rates.

Keyboard button with email symbol

Email was also rated as the best –performing channel by the highest proportion of marketers ( 41%).

Among the other report findings, of emails sent 98% were delivered – which is the highest delivery rate recorded and an 11% increase on 2010.

In terms of open rates, in 2015 they averaged 15%; this is less than the high of 20% recorded in 2013. Unique click-through rates have fallen every year since data started being collected in 2010, to a low of 2% in 2015.