NEWS20 December 2022

Canvs AI launches translation feature

Data analytics Innovations New business News North America

US – Text analytics and customer experience company Canvs AI has created a translation tool for its Canvs MRX platform.

Megaphone with speech bubbles

The tool, available immediately, will allow users to analyse open-ended text from multiple languages directly on the Canvs MRX platform.

Translation for Canvs MRX, based on Google Cloud Translation, automatically detects the language of the open-ended text on import and translates it to English for processing on the Canvs platform.

All current and new Canvs MRX customers will receive a minimum of 5,000 translation credits, with one unit equal to 500 text characters, as part of their annual subscription at no additional cost.   

Jared Feldman, founder and chief executive at Canvas AI, said: “Support for multi-language text analysis has been one of the most-requested features.

“The addition of our translation engine is a major step forward in making it easier for our customers to analyse feedback and insights from a global audience.”