NEWS29 June 2020

Apprenticeship scheme launched to diversify advertising

Media News People UK

UK – Advertising industry employers have launched the sector’s first apprenticeship scheme to diversify their creative departments. 

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Several advertising firms, coordinated by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) and supported by the apprenticeships scheme Creative Pioneers, have set up a level three junior creative apprenticeship standard to be delivered through Ravensbourne University.

The scheme is aimed at diversifying the traditionally male, white and middle-class creative departments in the advertising industry.

The course will be taught over an 18-month period, and has been backed by firms including Ogilvy, AMV BBDO, Creature, M&C Saatchi and ITV.

Fourteen modules will be taught on subjects such as amending and redeveloping ideas, working with specialist producers, and managing the pressure of tight deadlines and busy schedules.

Training will be carried out remotely, and firms can fund new starters on the course through their apprenticeship levy.

Janet Hull, director of marketing strategy at the IPA and chair of Creative Pioneers, said: “Never has it been more important to diversify the creative department, which for 50 years has mainly been dominated by white, middle class, university-educated men.

“This new junior creative apprenticeship standard provides an incredible opportunity for agencies to access and develop the best, most diverse talent to help drive their success, both immediately and into the future. Enormous thanks go to all those involved in bringing this comprehensive programme to fruition.”

The full list of participating firms is: Creature, AMV BBDO, Cogent, Crowd, Drummond Central, M&C Saatchi, McCann Central (Milton Keynes), Mother, NOW, RAPP, St Lukes, The&Partnership, Wieden +Kennedy, wpg, Brave, Drum, Goodstuff, Hunterlodge, ITV, Karmarama, MullenLowe, Ogilvy, Total Media, VCCP, Wavemaker, and Zinc Network.