NEWS30 January 2014

All hail the chief data officer!

Data analytics News North America

US — A quarter of large global organisations will have some sort of chief data officer (CDO) by 2015, according to IT market analyst Gartner.

There are already more than 100 CDOs employed today, says research vice-president Debra Logan, which is twice the number recorded in 2012.

Logan describes the CDO as someone “who can manage data and who has the knowledge, background and skills to do so, which allows chief information officers to focus on the more-than-full time job that they already have”.

Banking, government and insurance were among the first industries to adopt the CDO role. “However, we are now seeing other industries following,” says Logan. “For example, we saw the first significant appointments in the advertising industry in 2013.”

What will this mean for market researchers? Is this a natural evolution of the head of insight role? Join the discussion in our Linkedin Group.


1 Comment

11 years ago

Yeah, yeah. Heard it all before. What about the new chief CRM officer or new chief millenium bug officer. The IT bandwagon rolls on. Same old, same old.

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