NEWS26 September 2023

Advertising Association to convene AI taskforce

AI News UK

UK – The Advertising Association has set up an artificial intelligence (AI) taskforce to coordinate policy approaches to the technology.


The taskforce will seek to make sure the advertising industry are responsible producers, end users and deployers of AI, as well as analysing the productivity, economic and creativity benefits from using the technology.

The taskforce will work with the Advertising Standards Authority where appropriate to make sure AI use in advertising campaigns is transparent, legal and ethical.

The standard and clarity of advertising industry policy on AI ethics and usage will also be in the remit of the taskforce, as well as developing industry guidelines.

The taskforce will be co-chaired by two member organisations of the Advertising Associations and its Front Foot network: Google, represented by Yves Schwarzbart, advertising industry relations manager, Europe Middle East and Africa, and advertising agency VCCP, represented by managing partner and head of social innovation Alex Dalman.

The taskforce will meet quarterly for a minimum of 12 months, with the first meeting held this week.

Stephen Woodford, chief executive at the Advertising Association, said: “The establishment of our AI taskforce comes at a critical time for AI and its use, not just in the UK but in advertising around the world.

“The taskforce will focus on the ethical usage of AI in advertising as well as helping develop the UK’s role globally for AI’s influence on marketing and advertising innovation.”

Dalman said: “We believe that AI can unlock tremendous potential in advertising and marketing, and that generative AI in particular will be an accelerator of human creativity and innovation — but we also believe that it must be used responsibly.”

Schwarzbart added: “With AI being the most profound technology shift that humanity is working on today, it is only right for the UK advertising industry to consider how we can be bold, yet responsible, in the way we harness the potential of AI.

“I am grateful to the Advertising Association for the opportunity to co-chair this important workstream together with Alex, and I look forward to helping play my part in finding the industry’s collective voice on AI and driving these discussions forward.”