NEWS6 January 2010

2010 predictions – research for research’s sake is over, says Forrester

North America

US— Happy New Year – or will it be? According to a new Forrester report, research buyers will continue to demand proof of ROI on their research projects, while vendor consolidation and insourcing is expected to make life difficult for the supplyside of the industry – even as recessionary pressures start to ease.

Among a host of predictions for what 2010 has in store for market research, analyst Reineke Reitsma warns that tactics adopted by client companies to cope with the downturn will not be quickly abandoned.

“Research for research’s sake is over,” she says. “Market researchers will have to come up with models, scorecards or dashboards that communicate constantly, consistently and effectively what the market research department is doing and how that affects the organisation.”

As in 2009, Reitsma says, clientside research departments will continue to look to save costs through constant reviews and evaluations of research contracts. A key consideration will be whether the research can be conducted in-house.

“The in-house focus will be on straightforward projects, with more complex needs being outsourced to specialised vendors,” says Reitsma. “For vendors, this translates into the need to become more than data providers. Their added value is in creating insights and benchmarking.”

You can read more of Reitsma’s predictions on her Forrester blog, but why not share your views on the trends that will shape research in 2010 in the comments section below?



15 years ago

Looking ahead, here is a quick look at transitions I expect in the coming years: 1. From intrusive, survey based research to passive, observational research utilizing what has been called “listening posts.” 2. From research conducted at arms length to co-creation or “crowdsourcing” via MROCs. 3. From the delivery of tactically important data to the aggregator of data-driven strategy. 4. From dense, unused reports to clear, brief and strategic deliverables. 5. From the traditional “focus groups in three cities” routine, to fast-paced, always running MROC discussions. 6. From research in the client’s home market geography to global studies. 7. From a research process that too often presents some steep respondent brudens to a research process that is bordering on “fun”. 8. From the “one off study” and disconnected data sets to “insights management” that synthesizes insights from multiple data streams. 9. From the focus group room to the living room (ethnographies and the need for deep qual.). 10. From a project-based business model to a more consultative business model.

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15 years ago

Here's mine: Post-recession, a new world order: 1. New industry structures and refocus on thriving Asia. Not simply consolidation, but completely new types of owners. Many mid-level companies in developed markets falter - survival is determined by flexibility in adapting products and expansion outside home base. Simultaneously, lesser known Asian companies grow rapidly on with support of cash-rich clients. 2. Rise of "triangulation" - exciting combinations of methodologies/analytic approaches create better insights. Drives intelligent software and demand for researchers possessing either in-depth expertise, or a wide appreciation of diverse methods (e.g. panel + qualitative). No middle ground. 3. Cost focus now on executive productivity as severe talent shortages grip research. Driven by cut-backs in recession, emerging markets growth, and demand for new skill sets, 'Fast-Tracking' staff and enhancing productivity becomes paramount.

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