FEATURE14 August 2023

‘We realised how multidimensional the world really is': Market research in Ukraine

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Russia’s invasion last year rocked Ukraine and the world, but as people have adjusted to new realities in the country, research has also continued in the background. Oksana Pleskova reports. 


I am Ukrainian, and I am eternally grateful to our army and all those who have made it possible for me to live at home, in my beloved city of Kyiv.

Each stage of the war brings new challenges to our lives and businesses. I’ve been conducting local and international qualitative market research for 27 years and I run my own small agency in Ukraine.

At the beginning of the war, marketing was far from being a priority. But as soon as businesses resumed work, they began to ask questions that only customers could answer, and our industry slowly began to revive.

Given the air raids and missile attacks, our first challenge was to ensure the safety of respondents. We mainly conducted online, in-depth interviews, arranged to be flexible in case we needed to pause or reschedule the interview so a respondent could go to a bomb shelter.

The winter power outages were another challenge; we started doing more research ...