FEATURE16 October 2023

Hitting the accelerator: Insight at Aston Martin

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Automotive Features Impact

The world of luxury is changing, but carmaker Aston Martin is racing to stay ahead of the competition and in its customers’ lives. By Liam Kay-McClean.

photograph of blue high end sports car

If you had to choose one fictional character who best encapsulates 20th-century, old-school British ‘glamour’, you would be hard pressed to think of an alternative to James Bond. He had the clothes, the martini, the lifestyle and, arguably most importantly, the car. That car was most often an Aston Martin.

Since its founding more than a century ago, Aston Martin has become a byword for British luxury, a premier sports car often seen in ‘racing green’. In the years since, it has kept its allure, even adding a Formula 1 team in the process.

Yet, it is an interesting time in the luxury market, and a difficult one for the car industry. On the one hand, the market is evolving as a new generation comes on to the scene, and there are increased opportunities for brands in the digital world. For cars, environmental concerns have resulted in their lustre fading, with the looming ban on petrol engines in 2030 presenting a challenge for ...