FEATURE4 April 2018

Does it really matter?

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Features Impact UK

In the constant quest to identify what makes people care about brands, customer engagement agency Psona has determined six motivations that make brands matter. By Jane Bainbridge


For all the energy and investment that companies put into marketing and researching their products and services, it can be hard to acknowledge that, in most cases, people just don’t care that much about the brands.

So when customer engagement agency Psona commissioned the Foresight Factory, the aim of the research was to cut to the heart and find out what matters most to consumers about brands. 

The project involved online surveys with 2, 000 consumers segmented into five age groups – from Generation Z to the ‘silent’ generation ( 75+) – and looking at 10 sectors. 

“We believe most brands don’t matter to people and it’s actually really hard to create communications that truly have an impact. But we also had a hypothesis that it was the small brand behaviours – micro-moments, to borrow Google’s language – that make up a customer experience, which cumulatively drove people to love or hate brands; with a less than forgiving ...