NEWS19 October 2022

Verve and Adelaide partner on contextual targeting

Media New business News North America

US – Advertising technology company Verve Group, part of Media Games Invest, has partnered with media measurement firm Adelaide on contextual targeting platforms.

The partnership will see the two businesses focus on improving media quality measurement for clients using Verve’s Moments.AI and Visual Intent contextual targeting tools.

Future initiatives between Adelaide and Verve include expanding the partnership across other channels and business units, including connected television.

Verve is a business focusing on demand and supply technologies fusing data, media and technology, and has 22 offices worldwide.

Adelaide, which was set up in 2019 and is headquartered in New York, focuses on evidence-based media quality measurement to help inform media investment decisions.

Stephanie Vandenberg, senior vice-president of revenue for Verve Group, said: “Measuring attention is as important if not more so than standard campaign key performance indicators.

“Adelaide provides Verve Group clients with an added advantage that is so needed in the marketplace.”

Marc Guldimann, chief executive at Adelaide, said: “We’re eager to partner with Verve Group to find new ways to make attention an important part of Moments.AI and Visual Intent.”