FEATURE22 March 2021

Housing London: How data is tracking London’s energy

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Data analytics Features Impact Public Sector Trends UK

A new data model aims to identify areas of fuel poverty in London and tackle the city’s energy inefficiency. Liam Kay reports.

Climate change is one of the world’s most pressing issues, particularly the need to reduce carbon footprints to bring global heating under greater control. Around 22% of the UK’s carbon emissions come from our homes, according to the Energy Saving Trust, and data can be used to help promote energy efficiency in our properties, reduce carbon emissions and inform government environmental strategies.

To do this, the data needs to be accessible and comprehensive. Steve Evans, senior fellow at the University College London Energy Institute, helped design the London Building Stock Model, which aims to provide energy usage data in an easily digestible form.

The model is designed to show the energy efficiency of every building in London, explains Evans. This can then help authorities understand where improvements are required, and which areas of London struggle the most with energy efficiency and fuel poverty.

“If you don’t know what the current situation is, you have nowhere to start from, ” he adds. “In a way, this ...