NEWS12 November 2020

Kantar Profiles healthcare group receives ISO certification

Healthcare News North America

US – CIRQ (the Certification Institute for Research Quality) has recertified the healthcare group within Kantar’s Profiles division to the ISO 20252:2019 standard for market, opinion and social research.

The standard, which includes insights and data analytics, was updated in 2019 to include clauses on data management security in line with GDPR.

Kantar’s certification covers full-service healthcare market research, both primary and secondary, and includes qual and quant methodologies and the health care provider (HCP) panels operated by the company.

Audit and certification body CIRQ is a subsidiary of the Insights Association.

Juliana Wood, managing director of CIRQ, said: “The audit was completed under the all-remote framework we developed once pandemic restrictions were implemented in New York City, Pennsylvania, and the UK.”