NEWS23 September 2020

MRS creates international mark of research excellence

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UK – The Market Research Society (MRS) has launched an international affiliation mark of research excellence and standards for global research businesses. 

The international affiliation mark will show an organisation is meeting best practice in research and insights delivery, and is designed to help businesses increase commercial opportunities and support training and development for insights teams.

The mark builds on MRS company partner accreditation and is designed for research firms and client-side research teams that operate outside the UK.

Subscribers to the international affiliation mark of research excellence will get access to online training and development programmes, advice on codes of conduct and data privacy, and use of an international affiliate logo.

In return, international affiliates will be expected to help promote and uphold local research standards and are required to employ at least one MRS certified member.

The initiative follows a recent agreement between MRS, The Research Society in Australia and the Insights Association in the US to promote research standards.

Jane Frost, chief executive of MRS, said: “Maintaining the highest-possible standards is critical for building and preserving trust in research and insight and ensuring its long-term commercial success.

“This new recognition, alongside our MRS company partners accreditation, acts as a marker of industry excellence and means projects can be commissioned with the upmost confidence.”