NEWS24 March 2020

Majority of marketers think training needed to remain competitive

Covid-19 News North America UK

UK – More than 80% of brand marketers believe their organisations need to rapidly train their workforce to remain competitive amid the coronavirus pandemic.

In a report by digital marketing firm Econsultancy and Marketing Week, where 2,249 brand marketers were surveyed globally, the impact of coronavirus on brands and agencies in the UK and the US was explored.

Among the findings were that nearly two-thirds ( 63%) of UK marketers think their organisation could be compromised by the need to work remotely.

Other findings for UK and North American companies with over £50m in revenue include that 58% in the UK and 78% in North American think remote work takes training in best practice to be most effective. However, only 38% of all organisations said they offer virtual training/learning resources for marketers and only 14% in the UK say they offer on-demand training about working remotely.

In the US, the majority ( 92%) of respondents felt that their organisations were either very or somewhat proficient at enabling remote working.

And while this level of remote working will not stay in place for ever,  74% in the UK and 66% in North American think there will be some long-term changes to how we work post-pandemic.