FEATURE19 December 2019

Most-read opinion of 2019: Behavioural science, significance testing and private equity

Behavioural science Features Trends UK

With the year coming to an end, we reflect on the 10 most-read opinion articles submitted by external contributors over the past 12 months – from exploring research on choice to questioning significance testing.

1. New frontiers: when is choice a paradox?

Determining whether more choice is better for people is by no means simple. Crawford Hollingworth and Liz Barker explored the latest research on this as part of their New Frontiers series.

2. Significance testing is insignificant to modern marketing 

Market researchers’ continued use of significance testing hinders innovation and should be consigned to the industry history’s books, wrote Jack Miles.

3. Behavioural science brand building

Drawing on neuroscience and behavioural science principles can help when evolving brand logos. By Jonathan La Greca and Dr. Dan Young.

4. What time do you call this?

Ryan Howard argued that implicit reaction time (IRT) is a technique that is best put to sleep.

5. New frontiers: re-establishing System 1/System 2 truths

This article explored some of the myths that now surround Daniel Kahneman’s System 1 and System 2 thinking.

6. From provider to advisor

Innovation isn’t enough for market research to claim a seat at the boardroom table, said Andrew Grenville, arguing the industry needs to stop taking orders and start setting the agenda.

7. Why private equity loves market research 

Paul Georges-Picot explored private equity’s infatuation with market research.

8. Faking it: Can we trust social media data?

In a listen rather than a read, this podcast from the MRS Delphi Group heard from Sky’s Aji Ghose, BritainThinks’ Cordelia Hay and Colin Strong from Ipsos, who shared their opinions on the impact fake information is having on customer insight.

9. A sense of scale

Over-reliance on scales reduces the ability to act on research, argued Ryan Howard.

10. Waves of change for online communities

Join the Dots’ Andy Buckley takes us through the history of online communities, looking at how this form of research can continue to deliver insights into the future.

If you would like to submit an opinion piece to Research Live, contact katie.mcquater@mrs.org.uk with a pitch outline for consideration.