NEWS12 November 2018

Spotify develops publisher insights tool

Data analytics Leisure & Arts News North America Technology

US – Spotify has launched an analytics tool aimed at publishers using the platform, providing daily streaming statistics including data on the songwriters on their roster.

Launched in beta, the service adds to the streaming company’s artist dashboard, which allows musicians to measure the success of their tracks and releases.

Publishers will be able to view the number of streams for each song, songwriter or recording, view data on how songs are performing on playlists and see different versions of your songs (for instance, cover versions) and export metadata to their internal systems.

Jules Parker, head of publishing relations and services, EMEA and APAC at Spotify, said: “With more information, publishers are empowered to make the most of the opportunities the global reach of Spotify provides, and the more information we can share with each other, the more opportunities we can help create for songwriters.” 

Spotify worked with partners including Reservoir and BMG to develop the tool.

There are no current plans for Spotify to change the way publishing royalties are accounted or paid as a result of the new service.