NEWS3 July 2017

WIRe creates exec membership programme

News North America

US – Women in Research (WIRe) has launched WIRexec, an invitation-only initiative offering networking and one-to-one collaboration for senior research execs in client companies, agencies and entrepreneurs.

WIRexec will include an annual leadership retreat where members meet face-to-face. Members of the new programme will have access to networking with peers, industry discounts and access to programmes developed specifically with the executive in mind.

Among the programme benefits will be access to WIRe’s founders advisory board which includes Sima Vasa, founder of Infinity Squared Ventures and Paradigm Sample; John Almeida, managing partner of Five Peaks Capital Management; Kristin Luck, growth strategist and founder of WIRe; and Andrew Reid, founder and president of corporate innovation at Vision Critical.

Kristin Luck (pictured), founder of WIRe, said: “Currently there is an enormous missed opportunity within our industry for founders and executive level women to collaborate and learn from each other. The new WIRexec membership is a way for female executives to support one another through shared leadership experiences while ultimately boosting the success of women in the industry.

“Through WIRexec, members are not only collaborating with other female business owners and executives who are driving the future of research, they’re also supporting WIRe’s work to bring up the next generation of female leaders.”