OPINION24 June 2016

Adrift at the top?

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As the winds of change continue to sweep through the research industry, Sinead Hasson asks whether those in more senior positions risk being left behind

In recent years, researchers have had to do more than their fair share of adapting to change. Every job evolves over time but it is the pace of the digital revolution that should be the biggest concern for career-minded researchers. The availability of data, and the ease with which it can be generated – together with ever-more-powerful analytics tools – are enabling us to reveal clearer, more meaningful insights than ever before.

But as the insight rulebook is rewritten, what’s happening to those researchers who no longer work at the sharp end? It’s getting harder for them to keep up, that’s what. And when a knowledge-based industry like ours is disrupted faster than its participants can adapt, problems start to emerge.

As the years roll by, researchers are conventionally promoted into roles with more senior management and coordination responsibilities, many of which focus more on the commercials of an agency, for example, or the strategic role of research in the ...