NEWS20 May 2016

Associations, clients and agencies unite for Effectiveness Week

News UK

UK – The Market Research Society (MRS) has joined with other industry associations to support the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising’s (IPA)Effectiveness Week – an initiative championing  evidence-based marketing decision-making.

The collaborative programme will take place from 31 October to 4 November 2016. It will consist of a two-day conference covering topics such as judging level of risk, reviewing marketing investment and the regulation of data, along with a range of satellite events and workshops run by the associations and sponsor partners. Among the clients signed up are HSBC, PepsiCo, Sky and the government.

Jane Frost, CEO of MRS said: “The research sector is at the core of what Effectiveness Week is all about. We have a dual role to not just provide the evidence and insight on which good businesses decisions are made, but to ensure that this evidence is sourced and used ethically, and in line with new data regulation from the EU.

“The skills and expertise of the insight professional have never been more essential to drive marketing effectiveness to the core of business management.”