FEATURE19 January 2016

Iran: After the sanctions

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Since the announcement, in July last year, that Iran’s trade sanctions could soon be lifted, many Western companies have shown increasing interest in the market. Imogen Jones, of On Device Research, discusses the potential for businesses and researchers.

Traditional market research methods are often not suited to emerging markets, where infrastructure, geography or logistics can be challenging. On Device Research, however, has found that mobile surveys allow access to hard-to-reach demographics in some of the most exciting and fast-growing markets in the world. 

Of these, Iran might be one of the most intriguing. With a population of 80 million – 60% of which is under 30 years old – and a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of almost $5, 000, it’s certainly a market with enormous potential. Years of sanctions have kept Iran at arm’s length, but since the announcement, in July 2015, of a move towards lifting these, Western companies have shown increasing interest in expanding into this new market and conducting mobile research there. 

We conducted a survey to find out how Iranian consumers feel about the sanctions being lifted, and what their attitudes might be to the arrival of Western goods ...