NEWS4 February 2015

Promotions impact majority of adults buying habits

News UK

UK — Retailer promotions directly impact the buying habits of 60% of UK consumers, prompting more than a quarter ( 28%) to spend more according to research from RapidCampaign.

In its report The Brands We Love v The Brands We Buy, engagement experts RapidCampaign found that promotions led to 27% of consumer buying from retailers they wouldn’t normally choose and 25% making purchases they would otherwise not have.

Recommendation also has a role; over half ( 53%) of UK adults look more closely at promotions if their friends have recommended them. 

The survey of 2,011 UK adults found that the nation’s appetite for engaging with retailers via promotions is high, with only 8% saying they are not interested in them.

Over a third ( 34%) of 18- to 34-year-olds said they make them spend more, compared with only 24% of those who are older, while men are much more likely than women to buy from retailers they do not normally shop with ( 30% compared with 23% respectively).

The influence of social media is greater when targeting those under 35 years old, with almost a third ( 30%) preferring to hear about promotions via Facebook, compared with 15% overall, and one in 10 cited Twitter, compared to only 5% overall.

The survey of 2,011 adults living in the UK was conducted by Vision Critical in January 2015.