NEWS4 September 2014

Flamingo launches MINT project and site

News UK Youth

UK — Global insight and brand consultancy, Flamingo, has launched an interactive website, MINT Project, looking at the emerging cultural shifts in Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey (MINT).

The site focuses on the new behaviours and attitudes of the youth in these countries — identified by the economist, Jim O’Neill, as the next generation of emerging markets to watch.

Flamingo’s project explores these countries and in particular the behaviour and attitudes of young citizens.

There are common factors between the MINT countries: they all have large populations, a growing middle class and an abundant stream of young workers. This high proportion of young people means that technology and connectivity are important drivers that have increased access for this demographic.

“They are learning more, forming new opinions, adapting lifestyles and rapidly re-evaluating their needs and wants. This, in turn, will affect the way brands are perceived and interacted with as these global citizens share their strong opinions and belief systems with the rest of the world,” said Flamingo.

The agency has tapped into a panel of experts and youth communities and is a collaboration between its London-based digital practice, Kiosk and its bespoke online communities, along with Singapore’s cultural intelligence research, thinking and analysis.