NEWS19 August 2013

Beaufort wins woodland research contract

New business UK

UK — Beaufort Research has won a contract to study visitor experience of English and Welsh woodland.

The three-year Quality of Visitor Experience contract was awarded by Natural Resources Wales and Forestry Commission England and the measurement of visitor perceptions about the quality of their woodland sites will be conducted at sites managed by both the agencies.

A total of 9,000 face-to-face interviews will be conducted with visitors at 42 woodland sites spread across England and Wales, providing information on the overall visitor experience at woodland sites and each individual site will be scored, benchmarked and tracked over the three year period.

Fiona McAllister, Managing Director at Beaufort, commented “We’re looking forward to working with both organisations over the next three years to increase their knowledge and understanding of visitor views and expectations, to help them deliver the best possible visitor experience”.