NEWS3 July 2013

Elkjøp rolls out happy meter across stores

Europe Technology

NORWAY — Electronics retailer Elkjøp, part of Dixons Retail, has rolled out a customer feedback device in six countries around Europe.

HappyorNot uses four ‘smiley buttons’ in different colours to indicate to the end-customer which one to press to express their satisfaction with the retailer that day.

Since its May-launch over 1.5m customers have used HappyorNot meters and is now deployed in most Elkjøp stores in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, and Slovakia, allowing customers to give positive or negative feedback in an easy way.

CEO of Elkjøp Norway, Andreas Niss said: “We hope that as many of our customers as possible will take a moment to tell us how good the service was when they were visiting us. That way, we will become even better and make our customers even more satisfied.”