NEWS28 June 2013

Holden Research taps Wakoopa app for multi-channel tracking

Technology UK

UK — Holden Research, the new business from Holden Pearmain co-founder David Holden, has partnered with Dutch firm Wakoopa to launch a new service to assess the impact of multi-channel marketing.

The service is built on a panel of 5,000 consumers who have each installed a Wakoopa app on their laptops or PCs, through which Holden Research is able to track internet activity and exposure to ads.

In addition, Holden says: “We interview them every month to cover off all of their offline purchases and journeys. By combining the two datasets we have a 360-degree view of the dynamics and structure of the consumer market.”

Clients using the service so far include companies involved in mobile telephony, retail and gambling.

“Consumer use a mix of channels – researching online and shopping offline, and vice-versa,” explains Holden. “Some might research in-store and online, but then transact by telephone. Our service captures all of these interactions, enabling clients to see through the complex multi-channel behaviour of their customers and competitor customers.”

The results of the research can be used by companies to optimise their multi-channel marketing through changes to content, design and media plans, says Holden.