NEWS29 January 2013

HESCU wins postgraduate employability study task

New business UK

UK — The Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) has secured a contract with Universities UK to research employer engagement with postgraduate courses, with support from the Council for Industry and Higher Education and research agency CFE.

The study will address the information gap around employer engagement with postgraduate education, including analysing the extent to which universities are collaborating with businesses to develop courses that meet the skill requirements of employers. It will also study the value of postgraduate skills to employers as well as to particular professions.

The Taught Postgraduate Employability and Employer Engagement research project is funded by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Work will commence immediately and the outcomes are expected to be made available by summer 2013.

Jane Artess, director of research at HECSU, said: “The employability of students undertaking this level of education is a particularly controversial issue at the moment. We will provide evidence of employer engagement, creating more transparency.”