NEWS16 July 2012

Revenue up by 21% at Simon-Kucher for H1 2012

Europe Financials

GERMANY — International strategy consultancy Simon-Kucher & Partners has posted revenues of almost €70m for the first six months of the year, up by 21% compared to the same period last year.

Incoming orders climbed by 28% to €78m and the firm says all of the company’s offices and divisions contributed to its rapid growth. Despite the euro crisis, business in Germany, the UK and the rest of Europe grew at an above-average rate.

CEOs Klaus Hilleke and Georg Tacke (pictured) said: “We expect to achieve record-breaking revenues of €140m for 2012 as a whole. Our growth is considerably above the market average.”

The results come in the wake of the firm adding considerably to its workforce. In the first half of the year 76 new employees joined the company, about 60% of them outside Germany. A total of 150 new hires worldwide are planned by the end of this year.

The company is also preparing to open new offices in Dubai, Istanbul, São Paulo and Santiago, in order to meet demand for specialist consulting programmes. The London office will move to larger premises this year to accommodate expanding business needs.