NEWS26 September 2011

Kurt Knapton returns to E-Rewards as president and CEO

North America People

US— Kurt Knapton has been named the new president and CEO of E-Rewards, the owner of online panel firm Research Now, following the resignation of Chris Havemann.

Knapton (pictured) first joined E-Rewards in 2000 and was in charge of client development and strategy efforts for eight years.

He left in 2008 to pursue charitable and entrepreneurial activities away from the industry. Prior to E-Rewards, he had spells as a management consultant with Booz Allen Hamilton and Accenture.

E-Rewards chairman Don Carty said: “We are delighted to appoint Kurt as our president and CEO, and look forward to continued and future growth under Kurt’s leadership. Kurt is a proven innovator. His unique experience, knowledge and passion for both the industry and our business will carry the company forward in the years ahead.”

Havemann announced in July this year that he was stepping down from the role, but would remain at the helm until a replacement had been found and to assist with the handover.