NEWS2 March 2011

MRUC cancels work with Roy Morgan on consumer survey – report

Asia Pacific New business

INDIA— The Media Research Users Council (MRUC) has terminated its agreement with Roy Morgan Research to establish a single-source survey of Indian consumers, according to reports. says the agreement with Roy Morgan was cancelled because it contained “certain clauses that were not workable”, according to MRUC chairman Lloyd Mathias – though the clauses themselves were not specified.

Roy Morgan was appointed in December to develop a survey that tracked consumers’ lifestyles and attitudes, media consumption habits, purchase intentions, brand and product usage, retail visits, service provider preferences, financial information and recreation and leisure activities.

Mathias said the MRUC would continue to pursue such a survey. A subcommittee of the board has been established to review proposals and make recommendations, with Roy Morgan free to re-pitch for the work.

The agency, headed by CEO Michele Levine (pictured), declined to comment on the report, calling it “speculation”.