NEWS14 December 2010

Truth crowned Best Agency at Research Awards 2010


UK— Truth scooped Research Magazine’s Best Agency prize at last night’s 2010 Research Awards, seeing off stiff competition from seven rivals.

Verve took Best New Agency, while Best Place to Work went to BrainJuicer. Guardian News & Media scooped Best In-House Research Team, a new award, while Firefish’s FishEye lifelogging tool walked away with Best Innovation.

The awards ceremony was organised by the Market Research Society. President Rita Clifton said: “Not only did this year produce some of the strongest entries to date, but it was also an excellent crop, despite the ongoing economic conditions. As a sector, research is one of the UK’s strongest industries and it continues to generate genuine, invaluable business insight which can drive change and add value. Congratulations to all the winners.”

MRS Awards

  • MRS Fellowships: Aftab Ahmad, Nigel Bradley, Rosie Campbell, Mervyn Flack, Paul Hague, Peter Hutton, Rowland Lloyd, Elaine Moore, Alison Palmer, Nick Phillips, Ed Ross, Paul Szwarc.
  • New Consumer Insights Award: ITV and Essential Research
  • Financial Services Research Award: CFS and Nunwood
  • Applications of Research Award: Morris Hargreaves McIntyre and Red Letter Days
  • Public Policy/Social Research Award: Robin Pharoah, Becky Rowe, Sophia Parker and Tamara Hale, ESRO
  • Advertising & Media Research Award: Andy Bloor and Francesca Alberry, Firefish
  • Judges’ Special Award (Best Written Submission): Morris Hargreaves McIntyre and Red Letter Days
  • David Winton Award: Orlando Wood, BrainJuicer
  • MRS Silver Medal (Best paper in IJMR 2009 ): Chris Barnham
  • IJMR Collaborative Research Award: John Curtice, University of Strathclyde and Nick Sparrow, formerly of ICM Research
  • MRS Accredited Masters Award: Helen Purser
  • MRS Advanced Certificate Award: Hannah Paton, Illuminas

Other Association Awards

  • MRS/AURA Insight Management Award: Sony Music UK Insight Team
  • MRS/BIG Business-to-Business Research Award: Simon Shaw, Brass and Rosy Goodrick, Royal Mail
  • MRS/ASC Technology Effectiveness Award: Annik Technology Services
  • ASC Young Technologist of the Year Award: Martyn Hill, Firefish
  • AQR Prosper Riley-Smith Award: Nicky Holmes, Zebra Square for Wickes

Research Magazine Awards

  • Best Agency: Truth
  • Best New Agency: Verve
  • Best Innovation: Firefish for Fisheye
  • Best Place to Work: BrainJuicer
  • Best In-house Research Team: Guardian News & Media

Research 2010 Conference Awards

  • Best New Thinking: John Griffiths
  • Best Paper: Orlando Wood
  • Best Presentation: (joint award) Darren Cornish, and Douglas Dunn and Debi Bester
  • Best Newcomer: Doron Meyassed
  • Special Contribution: The Question Time Panel – Peter Duffy, Michelle Harrison, Peter Mouncey, James Turner and Stephen Sackur