OPINION18 December 2009

Commentary on scent of a cashier

Sensory marketing is not just for exciting industries

Nice to see that the Columbian financial group Helm are taking the concept of experience to the next level (‘Scent of a Cashier’ in the Diary section of Research Magazine, December 2009 ). Clearly these kind of sensory clues can lead to a degree of sarcasm, sometimes rightly so.  But the overall concept of engaging at a level different from the functional transaction is correct. After all, we have all experienced the effect of muzak in grocery stores or soft lighting in restaurants even if we don’t state it, so why not take the same concept to banks? OK, so it may not be ‘the reason’ I engage with you, but getting a kick from the experience of it all is reason enough if the marginal difference between competitive banks is, well, marginal.


Indeed, in terms of memory and what you carry forward, you are almost creating memorabilia in a bog-standard offer. And of course by so doing, even a boring product or service can feel enlivening, and you can forgive the mistakes.  So don’t forget the sensory, the artistic statement in an offering. People may say it’s a gimmick but then still go there because they like it.