OPINION13 December 2009

Sherpa’s Wanted

Research should be more interpretive and less siloed: feel the fear and do it anyway

One of the frustrating things about research is that you seem to have all the data and analysis in the world but sometimes lack the skill to tell me what it means.  For me what is needed are Sherpa’s; research professionals who can tell the story, read both the qualitative and quantitative side of the equation, add a dose of creativity and come up with a solution.  There is in short a lack of guidance.

In an earlier blog I mentioned the need for quali-quant experts and interpreters. The reason, there is danger in a siloed approach.  Quantitative researchers may like to think they are hard-nosed empiricists but statistics in marketing at least can often end up as much an art as a science.   I equally have an issue with Qualitative research. Is what you are saying generalisable or is it one person saying this, no problem with that just make the case. Although I have to say the only people talking may be the few with a gripe. Both then make huge assumptions they are not final truths, its not  press a button here’s the answer approach.

Perhaps I am being unnecessarily negative, I’m not trying to say don’t do research just that the person interpreting is just as important as the data coming in. Give me 2 pieces of data and I’ll interpret it 2 different ways.

For me, more Sherpa’s are required in this profession to guide clients to the story. In short researchers really should feel the fear and do it anyway.  Real truth lies in the interpretation of the data, not the data itself – now that’s a statement that might cause confilct!