NEWS24 November 2009

British Gas embarks on ‘listening’ exercise


UK— British Gas has mounted a major newspaper ad campaign to recruit a panel of customers who will be invited to share views and suggestions with the energy company’s managers.

But the gas and electricity firm is taking a different approach to most other firms these days – such as retailer Asda – who are busy building sizable online customer communities.

Instead, British Gas is looking to recruit just 20 or so individuals. Communications between the company and the panel will be a mix of face-to-face and online.

On its recruitment website, the company says: “We’re inviting customers to come right into our day-to-day operations, to see how we source, generate and buy energy, meet our people… and ask any questions they like.

“Together they’ll make up a new panel who’ll share their views and suggestions with our leadership team – and report back publicly on what they’ve found.”

A spokesman for British Gas said traditional market research wasn’t the aim of the initiative. Instead the company is billing the move as a “listening” exercise.