NEWS15 June 2009

Ipsos Mori partners with Trajectory for trends study

New business UK

UK— Ipsos Mori is teaming up with trends consultancy Trajectory Partnership for the latest wave of their Real Trends insight monitor.

The survey of 2,000 British citizens aims to track changes in society and shifts in public attitudes on a wide-range of topics.

Past clients of the survey, which was first carried out in 1997, include Tesco, Heinz and Cadbury in the private sector, and the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Cabinet Office in the public sector.

Ex-Henley Centre chairman Bob Tyrrell is also contributing to the project, having worked with Ipsos Mori on last year’s study.

Click here for an exclusive interview with Trajectory co-founder Paul Flatters on Real Trends and forecasting in the midst of a recession.