NEWS4 August 2015

Dunnhumby BAR adds brand attribute comparison

News UK

UK — Dunnhumby has updated its Behavioural Attitudinal Research (BAR) tool to allow brands to measure themselves against their competitors based on chosen brand attributes.

The BAR tool draws on information on the shopping habits of millions of customers to allow brands to identify consumer groups based on their behaviour; for example those who have recently bought or stopped buying a given product.

The self-service tool can then be launched by clients via an online portal, targeting customers that voluntarily take part in dunnhumby’s Shopper Thoughts research panel. Dunnhumby has partnered with Toluna to power dunnhumby BAR and gather attitudinal data in real time.

“This latest addition to dunnhumby BAR will enable brands to rapidly respond to how they are perceived among consumers in relation to their major competitors, based on real-world insight from millions of shoppers,” said Richard Clifford, research and trends director at dunnhumby. “The deep understanding of consumer needs and motivations dunnhumby BAR provides can be invaluable for brands.”