NEWS14 February 2013

Jeremy Bullmore joins MRS Patrons scheme

People UK

UK — Veteran ad man, agony uncle and author Jeremy Bullmore has become a patron of the Market Research Society.

He joins Martin Sorrell, Clive Humby, Peter York, Robert Worcester and Patrick Barwise in being an ambassador for the industry.

Bullmore, the former chairman of ad agency J Walter Thompson London, said: “Our elected representatives and commercial leaders take huge decisions on our behalf; decisions that can determine the course and contentment of our lives.

“Most of these decisions will have been strongly influenced by research. So every single one of us has the most acute personal interest in trusting that the research by which our leaders are guided is the product of high intelligence, rigorously conducted.

“It’s scary just how much good research matters.”

Bullmore has authored the books Another Bad Day at the Office?, More Bull More and Apples, Insights and Mad Inventors. He also writes a regular advice column for Management Today and The Guardian.