NEWS26 October 2012

InSites unveils global community network moderators scheme

Europe Features

BELGIUM— InSites Consulting has launched a network in over 30 countries of more than 150 moderators who will be known as global community network moderators.

The new recruits will be responsible for supporting market research online communities (MROCs) globally.

InSites says the moderators are recruited based on their qualitative research experience and are trained and certified in running InSites Consulting MROCs. Each goes through a selection procedure in which their expertise, reporting quality and language skills are tested.

After the selection procedure, they sign a contract as a specialised native moderator, who understands the language and the culture of the participants in the country they are in.

Tom De Ruyck, head of research communities at InSites Consulting (pictured), said: “We bring in the best moderators from around the world and they bring their knowledge of the local culture and market into our client projects. Furthermore we offer one methodology, one vision on that methodology and we give clients one project team which connects the dots and fully understands the research objectives. It’s about making global brands relevant on a local level.”