FEATURE11 November 2016

The Risk Taker

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With a customer feedback model that allows for almost instant product tweaking, Graze’s Anthony Fletcher has big ambitions for the healthy snacking category, including conquering the US. By Jane Simms


Anthony Fletcher is a bit of a rebel. When he strides into the meeting room in Graze’s riverside headquarters in hot and leafy Richmond, my first impressions are of his firm handshake, a throaty chuckle redolent of Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson (the similarity stops there) and his bare feet. 

“I knew you were coming in, so I wanted to be smart, but I was in town yesterday in my shoes, in the heat, tramping around, and... I’m sorry, I just didn’t want to wear shoes today, ” he laughs. 

“Years ago I got an award from Prince Charles and I wasn’t wearing a tie, and my mother has never forgiven me, ” he confesses conspiratorially. 

At 34, and running one of Britain’s most successful and fastest-growing young companies, Fletcher clearly relishes taking on the Establishment, challenging the status quo, being an iconoclast. 

Educated at the universities of Oxford and Princeton, he decided he wanted to work in a ...