FEATURE5 August 2013

Enhance the experience

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Creating customer experiences that surprise and delight at every touchpoint is fundamental to success. But it’s not easy to achieve. Businesses need to apply consumer insight with wisdom and creativity to make it happen.

Customers and companies talk about ‘experience’ a lot these days, and for good reason. Think of a product you want to buy or a service you want to use and – save for some rare instances – there will always be at least two competing providers to choose from. Tesco and Sainsbury’s both offer the same sorts of products at a similar price. You can get working, reliable phone, broadband and TV services from either Virgin Media or Sky. The list goes on: competing providers, all price matching, all offering comparable products and services. So where do you choose to spend your money?

A lot of the time, the decision comes down to which company provides the best customer experience. What a ‘great experience’ looks like is largely in the eye of the beholder. It could be a website that’s easy to navigate, an e-commerce site that remembers your shopping basket across devices, or call centre staff who can solve a ...