NEWS24 September 2010

Eight firms to take part in ARF neuroscience validation study

North America Technology

US— The Advertising Research Foundation is about to put the science behind neuromarketing research on trial.

Innerscope, Mindlab International, Neurosense and Sands Research are among eight companies who have agreed to submit their work for peer review.

The ARF says neurological and biometric research methods have become popular in media and marketing research but “no major validation studies have been conducted to properly assess neuroscience as it applies to media and advertising response”.

ARF project lead Duane Varan said: “Validation helps ensure that [biometric and neuro research] are used appropriately in terms of methods, interpretation, applications and their ethical considerations. This is a ground-breaking project which we are excited to support.”

Varan is chief research officer for The Disney Media and Advertising Lab, as well as director of the Interactive Television Research Institute and executive director of Murdoch University, Australia.

The project has signed up a number of major sponsors including General Motors, Hershey’s, American Express, MillerCoors, ESPN and MTV.

During the neurotrial study, comparisons will be drawn across research methods with the intention of identifying emerging consensus and moving towards establishing standards for biometric research.

The project will be launched officially at next week’s ARF NeuroStandards Advertising Week event in New York.


1 Comment

14 years ago

While we applaud this effort, we would also caution that it may be premature. Everything about neuromarketing is new and in it's infancy. That's both exciting and frustrating. Understandable. Rushing the development of this industry will likely not work. Some are trying and good for them. Brain research itself is very new and just stating to crawl - we feel. It will certainly be a "gifted" adult some day but now there is a lot of learning and study to do before we get there. A lot of mistakes to make. That may be the best lesson we can learn for the scientists and academics. A hard (impossible?) lesson for us business folks. Many (most?) of us are Type-A, sales-oriented people in a sales-oriented business. If it doesn't ring the cash register -- today -- we head off in search of something that (we hope) will. Likely, neuromarketing is not going to deliver those results -- yet. It will, but it will take some time and a lot of hard work and hard thinking -- and time, just time.

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